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Registration Instructions

Registration for is a three-step process:

1.) Fill out the registration form

* Please keep the username short (6-10 characters) and simple by using only numbers and letters with no spaces

* Passwords should contain at least one number and one uppercase letter and should be 6-8 characters in length

2.) Validate your email address

3.) Login to complete the process and activate the account

If you do not complete all three steps, your account would not be activated.

Security Code:
First Name:
Last Name:
Verify Password:
Alternate Contact:
Profession/Position in Business:
Company Name:
Zip Code:
Membership Type:
Membership Date:

What Happens Now?

Thank you for applying for registration on You will receive two emails:

1.) An email requiring you to click on the enclosed link, which will bring you back to a page on the site to validate your email address.

2.) If you have already sent your membership fee to Somerville Local First, you should go on to step 3. If you have not sent your membership fee, please send it to: Somerville Local First, PO Box 402, Somerville, MA 02143. Your registration will be pending until payment is received.

3.) Once you have validated your email address and your account has been approved, a second email will be sent to you with your login and password information. Follow the included link and login in order to complete the process and activate your account.

4.) Once logged in, you will see your Profile information. There is a tab labeled “SLF Business Directory”. You can click on this tab to manage your business directory listings. To add a new listing, click on the “add” button and fill in the form. Your listing will be submitted to an approval queue. We will either approve and publish it, or we would contact you if either we have questions about your listing or you need help setting up your listing.


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